to your needs!
Enzymes and cultures for the dairy and food industries, tailor-made and of the highest quality.
From Bavaria to the rest of the world.
Tailor-made quality since 2002
top quality
customised solutions

Since 2002, optiferm GmbH has been supplying enzymes and cultures to large companies within the dairy and food industries as well as to local, artisan cheese dairies. The business includes production, processing and distribution as well as awarding subcontracts to partner companies.
We supply our German, European and worldwide customers with tailor-made products and solutions of the highest quality. We are recognised as lactase specialists: We have acquired comprehensive and detailed expertise in the field of lactase. Together with GEA, we have developed the complete VARI-DOS-ASEPT (VDA) system for sterile inline dosing. Research and development has long been an important part of our company and will be further expanded in future in our in-house microbiological and biochemical laboratory and VDA competence centre.
We would be happy to advise you on all questions relating to cultures and enzymes in the dairy and food industries. We will find customised solutions for your needs also.
We are always here for you!

Simply contact us by phone or e-mail:
optiferm GmbH
Oberzollhauser Steige 4
D - 87466 Oy-Mittelberg
Open in Google Maps
Telefax +49 8366 81155-23
E-Mail: info@optiferm.de